The idea is interesting. I just held down the buttons to finish it in a couple of seconds though.
1 reviews is hidden due to your filters.
The idea is interesting. I just held down the buttons to finish it in a couple of seconds though.
I fixed it, but for some reason I can't update the file...
However, thank you for your feedback.
People are just gona blam this cause they took the time to open it and they cant play. I give you a 3/10 based on what graphics i can see at the password screen.
Cool Game
Very Addictive managed to get 5,045,308.4 FT in a single turn.
Yes somebody did beat you
Me= 29987568, my browsers arent working, when they do I'm so clicking Submit my Score :D
I got 7,689,536 it went for ages.
Its alright.
One thing though. I didn't get a key and i won! I just waited near the finnish for the computer to get it and then ran through the door that he unlocked and beat him to the finnish.
Its still pretty good though.
i dont know about that, but thanks
Yea what the last guy said.
At first it lookes pretty shit cause it wasn't neat and all. But its awsome once you look into it. Good job.
yyeah i have a tendancy to either OVERDO or NOT DO well when it comes to looks. thats why i cant make a good flash without really trying...
Keep it up.
Cheers, I will. That was my first game and i am now making another in flash lite for my mobile phone!
Age 36, Male
New Zealand
Joined on 3/13/04